How to write an address correctly?
See here for practical information on formatting your addresses.

The reliability and speed of delivery very much depend on the care you take when writing your recipients’ addresses. You can help us very easily by following these few recommendations.
Use the right font:
- Don’t use decorative, ornamental, script or condensed fonts
- Letters must not be too “thick” or too “thin”
- Use a single font
- The ideal size of characters is between 10 and 12 points
- Characters and lines must not touch
- Recommended fonts: Arial, Century, Courier, Mangal, Raavi, Tahoma, Tunga, Verdana.
Address field
Write the address carefully:
- The address should be aligned to the left
- It must have no more than 6 lines
- The interspacing must be normal; don’t leave too much space between each line
- Don’t underline anything
- Write the postcode very clearly
- If the recipient has a PO box or bulk user code, don’t repeat details of the geographic address.
- For less common numbers such as 6/8 rue des Bains, we will only take the first digit into account, i.e. 6 rue des Bains.
You can use our postcode search application to avoid mistakes.
Sender field
Include the sender’s address:
In case the letter cannot be delivered, it is important to write the sender’s address so it can be returned to the correct address. Write the complete address of the sender on the back of the envelope (on the flap) or on the front in the top left-hand corner. This is compulsory for registered mail.
A few examples of address writing
For Luxembourg :
Geographic address: Mr Jean Schmit |
Postal address: Société PWD |
Bulk user postal address: Post Courrier |
The country must be written out in full in capital letters on the last line, preferably in French; this is essential for countries that use alphanumeric postcodes (e.g. United Kingdom).
If the postcode is numerical only, the country name can be skipped, but in this case the code must be preceded by the international vehicle registration or ISO code.
Madame Delphine Dubois 24, rue Mirabeau 75016 PARIS FRANCE |
Herrn Werner SCHMITT |
Tate Modern Museum Bankside LONDON SE1 9TG ROYAUME UNI |
Do you have any other questions?
Call us free of charge on 8002 8004 or +352 2424 8004 for international calls, Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.