Welcome Pack, a webpage that helps you open an account.
Welcome pack
To assist you during your process, you will find here all the necessary documents to open a professional account.

First step
To get started, the first document to discover is our Welcome Pack that guides you throughout your account opening process. Choose the option that suits you and get started.
Freelancers/Self-employed professions
Discover here the Welcome Pack related to the PRO or PRO+ offer if you are a freelancer
Open a bank account
Corporate Customers
Discover here the Welcome Pack related to the PRO or PRO+ offer if you are a company
Open a bank accountAssociations
Discover here the Welcome Pack linked to the Club, Pro or Pro+ offer if you are an association, a club or an NGO.
Open a bank account
Additional documents
Complete your application with additional or optional forms depending on your organization.
FATCA for a natural person
Mandatory form for the fight against tax evasion and avoidance.
The advanced eBanking platform to support and meet specific needs (only for PRO+ pack).
Additional accounts
Need additional accounts at 2€/per account? Please attach this form to your request.
Additional cards
Need additional credit or debit cards? Please attach this form to your request.
FATCA for an entity
Mandatory form for the fight against tax evasion and avoidance.
Founding statement of company
Creating a new company? Attach this form to your request.
The advanced eBanking platform to support and meet specific needs (only for PRO+ pack).
Additional accounts
Need additional accounts at 2€/per account? Please attach this form to your request.
Additional cards
Need additional credit or debit cards? Please attach this form to your request.
Additional accounts
Additional cards
Finalize your account opening process
The final step is to collect the forms, making sure they are duly completed and signed. Once done, you can find the POST Finance team directly in Espace POST.
Physical identification is required to open an account.

Creating your own company?
In addition to a bank account, discover the best Telecom tools to get started as quickly as possible and to meet the challenges of your new business:
- Powerful fixed telephony
- Great mobile plans
- Fast and secure internet connection
- Leasing of computer equipment
- Mailbox and domain name
Aide linguistique
Answers to your questions
House of Entrepreneurship offers a 60-minute webinar on this topic. The detail:
The webinar “L’essentiel des obligations fiscales, comptables et de l’ouverture de compte bancaire pour les entreprises nouvelles” (The essentials of tax, accounting and bank account opening obligations for new companies) aims to inform, in 60 minutes, entrepreneurs on key daily management aspects, including tax procedures, accounting and banking for the head of a company in Luxembourg, and to go through the fundamentals of an enlightened administrative management (especially documentary).
To discover the webinar program or register, please check the webinar calendar.
The webinar will be held in French, with a Q&A session in French and English at the end.
You can also consult the brochure "New entrepreneurs – Ready to open a professional bank account in Luxembourg". This brochure is available in 3 languages here.
Do you have any other questions?
Call us free of charge on 8002 4000 or +352 2424 8004 for international calls form Monday to Saturday from 7am until 8pm, or by email at contactpro.finance@post.lu